Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our youth Pastor just recently got a website up and running for our's awesome!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ash was able to visit for a few days...
longer than she planned because of an ice storm in ND
It is always nice to see her :)

Winter...but not fun!

After a trip to the Doctor's office,
and an x-ray, it was confirmed that Austin
broke his PE class
Keeping it elevated to get the swelling down...
Surgery is in 5 days

Surgery day...good thing gramma had some crutches we could borrow :)


Cute hat!

Surgery took an hour and 3 minutes..still a little groggy...

Keeping an eye on the stats...
Blood pressure was too high and oxygen level too low...
So, Austin was admitted for 23 hour observation...
Breathing exercise....
Trying to cheer him up :)
After lots of good care and being waited on hand and foot,
we were waiting for Dr's ok to leave...

Winter...but not fun...part 2

A week later and it was time to cast...
Off came the old splint...
& out came the staples...
Getting the cast ready...

Austin chose red...
Dr. A...the surgeon

On our way out, we stopped in Radiology and picked up his x-rays...

At home..
Getting ready to shower...
Alex showing Austin all the things he could be doing,
instead of being waited on!
Austin was enjoying watching Alex give it a try :)
...2 weeks to go until the next Dr. visit and x-rays, and maybe a walking boot...yay!