Monday, February 25, 2008

It is well with my soul...

In looking for a song or two to put on this blog, I thought of the song "It is well with my soul." A few years ago my mom gave me a hardcover book, "Hymns of faith and Inspiration" in which there are old hymns and the story behind each one. The tragedy behind the words to the song, "It is well with my soul" has always stuck with me....

Triumph through Tragedy
During the autumn of 1873, Horatio Gates Spafford and his family planned a wonderful trip to Europe to visit relatives and friends. As winter began to chill their Chicago home, Horatio, his wife Anna, and their four young daughters, Maggie, Tanetta, Annie, and Bessie (ranging in age from eighteen months to twelve years), began to anticipate the sea voyage and the reunion. When the time for the trip drew close, Spafford's business encountered some difficulties that required him to remain at home. Determined not to deprive the family of the anticipated excursion, however, he kissed his wife and daughters good-bye, bade them Godspeed, and promised to join them as soon as possible.

The Spafford women embarked on the French steamer, SS Ville de Havre, and began their trans-Atlantic journey. Off the coast of Newfoundland, however, tragedy struck. The ship collided with an English sailing vessel, ripping a gaping hole in the ship's hull. So massive was the damage that the Ville de Havre plunged to the bottom of the frigid sea within twenty minutes.

In the moments before the ship sank, Anna Spafford gathered her four young girls to her side and prayed with them, holding the youngest in her arms. As the icy waters of the North Atlantic swept over the decks, the three older children disappeared, and eventually even the baby was washed from her mother's embrace. Alone and near death herself, Anna was spotted from a lifeboat and plucked from the sea.

It was 10 days before the survivors of the shipwreck were landed safely in Cardiff, Wales. From there, Anna Spafford wired her anxious husband a brief and poignant message: "Saved alone." Boarding the next available ship, Horatio sailed to England, where he was reunited with his grieving wife.

The Spafford's close friend, evangelist Dwight L. Moody, was in Edinburgh, Scotland, at the time of the tragedy and came from there to join the bereaved couple. He later reported of that meeting that, though they were experiencing deep sorrow, the Spaffords never lost their abiding faith in God. They attested to this with their affirmation to Moody. "It is well. The will of God be done."

Returning to Chicago, Spafford rejoined his legal practice, once again becoming active in the local Presbyterian church as an elder and working with the YMCA.

A visitor to his office 2 years after the shipwreck remarked about the framed cable above Spafford's desk carrying only the words, "Saved alone." Retelling the tale, Spafford again affirmed. "It is well. God's will be done." He would later report that the phrase, "It is well," inspired him to formulate the words of a poem subsequently set to music by Philip P. Bliss.

With the writing of this very personal, yet universally applicable hymn, Spafford seemed to turn the focus of his energies from his law practice to the fulfillment of a life-long dream. In 1881, at the age of fifty-three, he and his wife left the United States to settle in Jerusalem. There they founded an American colony where they spent the rest of their lives.

Although Horatio Spafford's family did not live on beyond the nineteenth century, his beautiful hymn of faith lives today as a tribute to the faith of a loving Christian father. Others facing trials as great as the sea billows that swept over the sinking Ville de Havre, have learned to say with Spafford, "It is well with my soul."

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Uncle Austin nicknamed Taylor "One- eyed Willie"
when as a newborn, she used to keep one eye shut for awhile....

4 generations....with Tiff, Taylor, Great Gramma Almond
& Gramma Lou

Great Gramma & Grampa Winhofer with their
first great grandaughter!

4 generation pic...
with Grampa Alex, Great Gramma Winhofer, Tiff and Taylor

Taylor with Great-Great Gramma Winhofer....
notice their "pose!"

Taylor smiling for her Great-Great Gramma!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The beginning of grandparenting....a new adventure :)

“Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.” ~Welsh Proverb

I thought it would be fun to put up some grandparent pictures~Taylor and Hannah are fortunate to have several grandparents from both sides of the family~they have a lot of history behind them and lots of interesting stories :)

First, there was an engagement....
(after John made the call to Alex for
permission!) Poor John :)

Then, after about a year......
an outdoor wedding....I remember a beautiful day
and the birds chirping...and all the cars going by!!

Tiff couldn't have asked for a nicer
family to marry in to....

Grandparents on Tiffani's side...great-grandma Eggert
couldn't make it~

Then came the exciting news.... a baby was on the way!
We were going to be grandparents!!

"For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!" Psalm 139:13,14


Tiff 5 months pregnant with Taylor
@ Ashley's graduation picnic

I love this picture...all that hard labor was worth it,
huh Tiff? You guys are great parents...

We made a quick trip to MN to see our first little grandchild...
what a precious little Taylor she is :)

Taylor and her daddy...

A proud Grampa Alex & Gramma Lou

I wonder what tricks Uncle Austin will have for his neice?
Watch out, Taylor!

And more exciting news...little Hannah
is due in May...lookin' good there, little Mama ;)

Looking forward to meeting little Hannah! Taylor will be
a good big sister :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tedious Shop work

Hammering the hurricane clips up...ya never know!!

Getting ready for OSB

Father/Son bonding....thanks for all the help Aust!

Tiff, Taylor and Austin helping Alex
build up the ground around the foundation...

thanks Tiffers :)

Such a big help Taylor was! :)

Painting OSB board for the ceiling...ughh!


Framed up

The big door...

Ashley looking pretty in shop window..


It's beginning to look like a building!

This is going to be nice!
Good job, Gordon & crew!

Cement work

The cement truck cometh :)

Pouring the footings...

Now for this side....

Lots of help :)

Using the screed...thanks for the help

Fixing a pex tubing pop-up!

Wow, that is a long ways down there!

The groundwork

Getting it just right....

Laying out the plastic, insulation board and rebar

More rebar.....

Now comes the pex tubing to heat the shop :)

& still more....

Alex checking out progress of shop floor

Bird's eye view of shop floor via bucket truck

A beautiful sunset in the "big Montana sky"

to finish our work with...
Isn't God just amazing? It made our
work seem all worth while :)

We wanted to put together the progress of getting Alex's much wanted heated shop up. It's interesting even to us to see how it has all come together and that all the hard work has paid off! We hope you enjoy looking at the pics and hopefully we'll get some fun stuff put up now! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Outdoor work begns for woodburner and shop 2006

Setting up of the outdoor wood burner...yay!

Trying out the first burn!!

Getting a perfect fit...

The finished look....good job Alex :)


Thanks for your help, John....

& yours too, Tiff, and little Taylor!


The fun part...loading branches :)

Almost a full truck, and lots of empty space

Now for a temporary home for the wood burner

The trenching for pex tubing begins....

4 foot trench...

Plumbed into house

& covered up

Getting the plumbing fittings ready

Ready for the cement pad for the wood burner

Now for its permanent home

Lining up the plumbing fittings

Filling the tank up with antifreeze for these
cold Montana winters!!

Another trench...this one to future shop

Good job, Al!!

Alex showing the back of the outdoor wood burner

Plumbing hooked up...